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What muscles does boxing work?

Private Boxing Lessons in Denver

When most people think of boxing, they imagine strong, muscular arms making the most impact. It’s true that your shoulders and arms put a lot of work into each punch. However, they’re not the only muscle groups being worked. Boxing isn’t all about arm strength. This intense workout conditions muscles in your lower body and core, as well. To really land a stand-out punch, you’ll need to strengthen all of these areas. Let’s take a look at all the muscle groups that boxing works and how you can throw a better punch.

Lower Body

The lower body powers a lot of the movement for each punch. The leg and hip muscles help you to balance while moving your body towards a target. Because of the rotational movement of the lower body, the glutes and hip muscles are also heavily impacted. Each movement is rooted through the balls of the feet. From defensive to offensive positions, you’ll need strong lower body muscles to power your movements. Through private boxing lessons in Denver, you can find out how to train your lower body for this strenuous exercise.


Boxing is a great opportunity to strengthen your core, as well. The twisting movement that starts from your lower body radiates up into your core. This includes lower back, abs, and oblique muscles. This constant flexing and rotation creates shredded muscles without a single sit-up. Don’t forget about the lower back muscles, either. Most beginner boxers don’t realize how important these muscles are for control and force. Utilize boxing into your workouts to increase core and back strength while getting a full-body workout.

Arms and Shoulders

The power of a punch might start in your lower body, but it ends up top. All of the energy and strength pulled from the legs and core suddenly erupts through the arms. The biggest muscle this impacts is the deltoid muscle located across your shoulder. After a few punches, you’ll probably notice the burn here. Defined shoulder muscles are commonplace among beginner and professional boxers alike.

Your biceps and triceps will also be impacted during each punch extension. Located at the top and bottom of the arm, every punch works out these important arm muscles. From hooks and uppercuts to jabs and punches, your arms will definitely be sore afterwards. Just remember that the power from your arms is heavily reliant on the other muscle groups. With the right form, your punches will land perfect each time. It truly takes the work of all the muscle groups in order to perfect your stance and punch.

Private Boxing Lessons Denver

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to experience the fitness benefits that boxing provides. If you’d like to learn more about this full-body workout, consider private boxing lessons in Denver. You’re sure to work all the muscle groups with a one-on-one training session with a professional coach. Learn how to focus your lower body and core energy into dynamic punches that work your whole body. Each boxing lesson will give you that high-intensity, versatile workout that your body craves.

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